Saturday, December 19, 2009

Just Deckin' The Halls

Christmas is coming!! Today we put up our Christmas tree! I really love Christmas, our tree is a smattering of different ornaments, from birds with feathers to tassels to chandeliers to baby angels, and with lots and lots of tinsel icicles. I am also really looking forward to the Christmas baking! candy canes in EVERYTHING.

Hairy Mary's Monday

My Nikki gave me a voucher for my Birthday, for one of the coolest shops ever! Hairy Mary's Vintage is a very cute shop in Petone, that sells really cute vintage clothing, but its the atmosphere that makes it so awesome, the clothing is sized by labels saying "twigs" or "curvey" etc, and they sell tea and neenish tarts (both big ups in my book) and have posters of The Clash, the Ramones and fabric hanging from the ceiling. I appreciated it so much.
It took me a long time to get around to shopping there, try 4 months, but it was worth it and it turned into a really fun day, busing around the city with my darling Nikki!
here is the day in photos as well as some of the purchases!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Home Alone.. Kind of

It's almost Christmas! And because of that my parents have ditched me at home and left early for our holiday house up north, heading towards all the glorious sun and leaving me to deal with the windy and rainy so called summer that is Wellington. But one positive has come from this! Jayne is now living with me! And being my slave.. Right now she is lopping off the bottom of an awful pair of shorts I stole from dad so that I can have something to wear to work tomorrow that won't make me look like a complete dork, but can also be wrecked and thrown out at the end of the week. I made dinner though so it all kind of evens out.. She just had her darn wisdom teeth out so dinner has been a bit of a problem for Jayne lately so we had mince as it's fairly soft and Jayne can eat it with out wincing in pain with every bite.. But she did take a freaking age to eat it all which was really quite entertaining for me.

The reason I'm doing the post is because Jayne is concentrating very hard on the shorts that she is doing for me and is also wanting to watch a horrendous tv show so I really have nothing else to do. So I thought I'd do a post to all of our three followers.. That's really starting to make me sad.. I think you can probably tell from my little comments at the bottom of each post.. but we're getting desperate! So I plead yet again at the end of another strange post to anybody out there.. Become a follower! We won't bite! I promise.. So please.. Become a follower.. I'll be your friend..


Monday, December 7, 2009

New Clothes!

Leading up to summer I always seem to have no clothes, and this year there was no exception with my 3 t shirts and one pair of shorts not looking like being enough. So on Sunday (now I'm working I have to make the most of my weekend) me, mum and Jayne went shopping to update my wardrobe. Taylor (one of our three followers aha) was right and the Tubby Tiga's that I have previously posted about were down to $80 so I quickly snatched those up. I also got two Luuk t shirts, a designer I had never heard of before then but really like, cheap American Apparel t shirt and some Hufffer cut offs! All fairly simple but staples for my summer wardrobe.. Photos below! Comment and subscribe aha.

American Apparel and Tubbys Luuk Shirt and Tubbys

Second Luuk Shirt and Tubbys Second Luuk Shirt and Huffer Shorts

Hope you like them! Remember.. Tell your friends to become followers aha

Friday, December 4, 2009


i am so late with this post. not that its very exciting, but its terribly late.
so when it was fashion week here in New Zealand, my fashion class was lucky enough to have received tickets to Cybele's show. it was so exciting to be going to a proper fashion show.
last year we went to the public shows, which wasn't the same.
this year, was fantastic. cybeles show was amazing. and not to sound like some ridiculous stalker, but i totally saw Rumi of !
i had a sneaking suspicison she would come to our fashion week, becuase on her site she mentioned how much she loves stolen girlfirends club clothing. However, it turned out she was there to write for the fashion show diaries, and to generally give Air New Zealand Fashion week as much publicity as possible.

all in all it was a fun trip, and it showed me many windows into the fashion industry... as undecided as i am.

Film Camera

Jack has gotten hold of some film cameras, and in doing so, he sort of started off wee experiment slash exploration. we're playing with film cameras, exposure etc.. heres a few photos we've taken! (all photos are photos of the printed photos...)

these are mostly taken by jack! see theres even some double exposure.. i think on accident, but it still has a cool effect.
hopefully now that both Jack and I are free from exams and school, we'll be able to play around a lot more. however film is expensive to develop!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Nerd Inspiration

Halloween came and went and we went as Nerds. NOT Hillbillies.

The inspiration for the idea via: National Geogrpahic

In a time where Halloween is an opportunity for ones slut to come out, we opted for the exact opposite. for ones nerdom to come out.

Ps my mum though i looked like annie-mae from Beverly hillbillies. NOT HILLBILLIES

Shredded Bliss?

Around April, my Darling sister sent me a link with a DIY project of a shredded tee-shirt, i thought the idea was so cool, that i did it;it took several nights of repetitive shredding, but eventually i did the whole back of it.
i never really got around to wearing it or liking it because it didn't seem right. maybe it was a bad quality tee-shirt that i used, because the shreds became strange, however! upon reflection and after seeing several examples of them throughout the web, i have now decided i shall give it ago... maybe...

what do you think? (all those readers out there) these are some of the images inspiring me to try it out

this was my attempt.. its kind of too boofy

Photos from,,

all the above turned out like beautiful cobwebs of thread, mine looks ridiculous compared to the above.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Three Things

As you may have guessed by the title this post will be about.. Wait for it.. Three Things!
First! For the past year or so I have watched the drop crotch pant/trackpant make its way everywhere in men's fashion. And I had being looking into acquiring some of these wonderful pants for myself.. So after looking around on the net and the small amount of good men's clothing stores in Wellington, I found the pants that I had been looking for! Material Boy Tubby Tigas. But.. They are expensive.. Good as Gold expensive.. so for now all I can do is.. Try them on in the shop!

What do you think?

And now on to two.. I have discovered one of the most amazing bands that I have ever heard in my life.. I think that everyone in the world should experience them sometime in their life. The band is the National, and their album the Boxer. It's amazing, I must have listened to it at least 30 times over in the past week and I am still nowhere near being sick of it..

This is the first song on the album and one of my favourites and the song that really got me hooked, check it out:

Fake Empire - The National

The video isn't the official one which is kind of lame.. But amazing song..

And number three!

I have two new cameras! I bought I tiny Palmat Automatic Film Camera and the Good Shit Sale in Wellington about month ago, and upon showing it to a family friend who was also interested in cameras I was given another! A Ricoh XR-P.
I haven't used film cameras that much and I really wanted to have a go at it because it always seemed way 'cooler' so this is my chance!

Palmat Automatic

And Ricoh XR-P

And that's the end! Hope you liked my three things for the week! Oh and to everyone reading this out in cyberspace tell your friends! Get us followers! It looks lame only having three! Peace

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

These are the days of your life

Of all times i really shouldn't be posting this. But with the ending of my high school life, and exams, i'm feeling nostalgic. Plus i just love these photos. or poloroids! my darling sister Crab-hands introduced me to the poloroid application for the computer.
i love the look of them. i can't help it! and with all this nostalgia floating around in my head, the look adn style of the "faux-poloroids" seems to hit the spot. so why not!

i heart you Poloroid.