Sunday, October 11, 2009

Is there anybody out there?

Sitting at my desk tapping away on my little white macbook I think to myself I have really been neglecting this blog. But is there anybody that really reads it? Other than some family and the occasional friend? I'd really like to know so if there is someone that i don't know out there or whatever, leave a comment below! Say hi! Tell me I suck, whatever, I think it'd be interesting to find out!

Anyway, back to the matter at hand. Over the past few years I've been building up my music collection through the help of my friends recommending stuff or lending me cds etc. Most of them have fairly different music tastes so I've ended up with a big array of music on my iPod (which has become very dear to my heart). Recently I got my friend to put some of his music on my iPod and I got some really good stuff.

Some of the bands included; Panda Bear, Handsome Furs, The Dodos, Stuck in the Sound, Grizzly Bear and Electrlane. They're all really good bands, if you're into nice soft indyish music. I would highly recommend all of them!

Panda Bear

Handsome Furs

The Dodos

Hope you enjoy them!

Oh and by the way.. I've been listening to them with my new WeSC Headphones.. Tell me what you think

They're the Bongo, Dim Mak Edition