Friday, December 17, 2010

Chris Cringle

After having a bad day at work, suffering the brunt of mad Christmas consumers, and trying to maintain an ever depleting Christmas cheer, I arrive home to a Christmas-ified home.
We're getting our REAL Christmas tree late this year, so I don't feel at all christmas-y. And this year I have been stuck in a mall, selling jewelery, where the Christmas-spirit is all a about how much money the retailers can suck out of the customers (turns out quite a bit, in fact). But every so often someone comes along whose appreciation and graciousness reminds of the real Christmas spirit. And also today there was a barber shop quartet singing carols, thats just awesome. Unfortunately those moments aren't as often as I would like.
After having a bad day at work, suffering the brunt of mad Christmas consumers, and trying to maintain an ever depleting Christmas cheer, I arrive home to a Christmas-ified home.

I love you mummy. You are the mummy who saved my first Christmas of adulthood.

Photo is of our tree last year. Always a haphazard smattering of decorations, but perfect in every way. My sisters and I will be at work tomorrow, and I can not wait.

1 comment:

  1. I've only had a real tree once, so that's awesome!

    My Christmas came yesterday in the form of a wee bonus from an anonymous prize drive I signed up for, and won a £30 gift card! a big help for Christmas.
