I had a truely wonderful Christmas. It was three days of wonderful-ness. I just wish that I hadn't worked both christmas eve and Boxing day. It would have been more fun, but hey it's money.
On Christmas eve: Takeaways movies and desserts at Park Place. (Peppermint Mouse (oh yes))
Christmas day: Pancake Breakfast made by me, late lunch which was delicious (mum found a mini ham for us! i love glazed ham, then a dessert, followed by a very fun game of Trivial Pursuits, which Mum and I totally won!
Boxing Day: Bbq with the extended family, I got to see cousins who i adore and cousins that i barely see, but are soso cute! Followed by another insane game of Trivial Pursuits, this time my sisters won!
It was so wonderful, I got an Ipod (finally, hello 32 gigs!), and lots of other goodies. I loved spending time with my family, they are truly some of my favourite people.