Monday, August 2, 2010

long time no.. anything

okay speaking on behalf of myself only i apologise for the lack of posts lately (jayne's just selfish.. ahah).
let me fill you in on the goings on and why there has been this hiatus.
i've just begun my fourth week of the second trimester of university so my time has pretty much been dedicated to trying to get back into that sort of thing, also for the past two weeks the wellington international film festival has been going on so i've been working more hours than usual meaning my downtime has been spent away from the computer, or on it and not wanting to post.

but i have a few things to let you all know about!

firstly the lookbooks/new seasons for chronicles of never, and henrik vibskov have been released and are looking very nice. chronicles has really just been chronicles.. a lot of black and grey etc. and very abstract (and expensive) stuff. henrik however looks wonderful and fun, i've always liked his stuff and this season's weirdness is fantastic. check out the good as gold blog for the slides/pictures or hit up the sites!

secondly i've recently (many of you will already know) become obsessed with skateboarding again.. so really.. all i'm trying to say is.. try it. i'm forcing jayne to and it's going pretty good! so do it

peer pressure

go. see. inception. go. see. it. at. the. embassy. theatre. in. wellington. it. looks. amazing.

peace for now homies.. what?

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