Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cheap Monday!

I love shopping.. Buying new stuff, talking to the fun people who run the shops and trying on garments that you would never buy in your life just for the fun of it, it's awesome, so today when I went shopping with my mum (don't mock, mums are awesome and she bought me lunch!) it's needless to say that I was very excited.

So after about an hour and a half of just going into random shops to check out any kind of clothing we started on the more important shops - Stable, Area 51 and Good as Gold - to try and find some expensive on sale!

After trawling through each of the shops looking at and trying on anything that looked cool, I ended up only buying one thing! Which sucked.. But it was a cool one thing! And it's by my new favourite brand! CHEAP MONDAY. They caught my attention with an awesome Pleather jacket called the lucas Jacket, but was way out of my price range, so I settled with an awesome checked shirt which is nice and warm and will hopefully last a while!

So Cheap Monday dudes, check it out.

The wicked logo

And my shirt! (It looks better not done up)

1 comment:

  1. I really like that brand you get a good quality to a fair price. I normally buy my cheap monday pants in Copenhagen or at a online shop like
